Success Bond Ltd is specialized in importing building decoration materials and furniture from China and exporting to the Canada and US market. We deal with the best suppliers in China, and offer world-leading stable quality and competitive prices.

We act as sales and purchasing agents, inspectors, merchants, financial consultants, and freight forwarders. We provide all-in-one service from sourcing suppliers till finishing the production and shipping to buyer’s locations.

Success Bond Ltd has traders, product engineers, and inspectors who analyze the markets, source and develop products, negotiate prices, assure quality controlled production and shipping, and resolve any problems arising in the processes.








Success Bond Ltd strives to put the best building construction material suppliers in China together with the overseas buyers, and to develop long-term relationships between companies that will treat each other fairly. We serve both the suppliers and the consumers by assuring a reliable, consistent flow of quality controlled shipments at fair prices.

Success Bond Ltd treats each supplier and customer as a individual. We customize our services to satisfy the needs of our trading partners.

Please contact our marketing professionals for further information.









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